At Timely, we care about your thoughts and opinions.

We care about what YOU think of Timely and the work we do to support it. That’s why it’s so satisfying to receive generous and positive feedback from you – our users!

Take a look at this lovely example below, which appeared on our Facebook Page today. Greg joined us in March and judging from his glowing feedback, he is one satisfied user.



Facebook feedback



Check out his third paragraph where Gregg mentions “… great service and communication”, and “… cutting edge responsive interface …”, and “… looks and performs awesomely”.

It is this kind of feedback that makes the whole Timely enterprise worthwhile. After-all, it is why Timely came into existence in the first place – to make online booking simple and enjoyable.

Positive feedback tends to come through our support channels and is primarily seen by the support team. However, we share it with the whole team so they get to experience satisfaction and giggly joy as well.

Not all user feedback is positive. We expect this. It is these constructive suggestions and ideas that gives us incentive to do better and hone the future direction of Timely. So don’t feel bad about sharing your honest views – we can take it!

We work really hard to ensure Timely makes people happy. Feel free to let us know what we can do to make YOU happy.