There’s an easy way to skyrocket your rebooking rate that doesn’t involve hours on the phone to clients! Using automated Rebooking reminders, you’ll save yourself time and catch all the clients who slip through the cracks. They’re quick and easy to set up, and you can customise them to suit your business.

Welcome to our HITT class series; short and sharp 15-minute intense training sessions designed to get you Timely fit. Each week we’ll be releasing a blog and Alex and Lu will be hosting a Facebook LIVE class on a Monday (9am UKT / 6pm AEST / 8pm NZT) focusing on a different topic each week. Make sure you Follow us on Facebook to stay in the loop with what’s coming up. So what are we waiting for? Let’s do this!


    1. What’s a Rebooking reminder?
    2. The best services for Rebooking reminders
    3. Re-engage with your clients
    4. Rebooking reminders and the Innovate package

What’s a Rebooking reminder?

A Rebooking reminder is just that; a reminder for your clients who haven’t yet rebooked  their services or treatments that they’ve had with you in the past. These messages are perfect for treatments, procedures, services or appointments that should happen at a minimum of once a year. You can send a Rebooking reminder immediately after the appointment, up until 1 year after the appointment, making Rebooking reminders perfect for anything from weekly/regular top-ups to yearly/occasional checkups! 

Help guides:
How to set up Rebooking reminders
Find out your client retention rate

The best services for Rebooking reminders

You can have Rebooking reminders for absolutely any service, but it’s best to have them on your higher ticket or most profitable services because they’ll make you the most profit. It’s also a great way to consistently advertise your premium or more popular services to people who have had them in the past, because they’re more likely to rebook with you. 

Tip: Delight your clients with personalised messages! By customising your automated SMS messages, you’re not only adding a personal touch; you’re helping clients feel valued and building loyalty. 

Help guide: How to customise your SMS messages

Re-engage with your clients

For more regular upkeep services or treatments, Rebooking reminders are a great way to automatically reach out to clients who you haven’t seen in anywhere between a few months, up to a year. For whatever reason, clients might forget how great you are and start going somewhere else, but it’s likely the business looking after them now won’t be looking after them as well as you, so you can still win them back with a great Rebooking message! 

The rebooking strategy top salon coaches recommend

There’s a simple strategy that top salon coaches recommend using automated Rebooking reminders. See the example below:

If the average number of weeks between bookings is 5 weeks for most of your clients, you would set up automated Rebooking messages as follows. Make sure to include an online booking link in every message.

4 weeks since last appointment – These are worth setting up to remind clients who may have forgotten to rebook after their last appointment, or didn’t rebook for another reason.

8 weeks since last appointment – If your client hasn’t rebooked after the 4-week reminder, they might have tried another salon. Put yourself front of mind with another rebooking reminder to try to win them back at this point. You could include an offer or a discount to sweeten the deal.

12 weeks since last appointment – If they still haven’t rebooked, it’s likely that they’ve switched salons or have been out of town or unable to visit for a specific reason. At this point, it’s worth trying one final offer to entice them back, so make it a goodie!

Tip: Let your clients manage their own appointments! Add your client login link to your rebooking message so they’re able to easily rebook their previous appointment. 

Help guide: How to set up Rebooking reminders

Rebooking reminders and the Innovate package

Rebooking reminders are included in the Innovate package, which also has the most SMS per staff member, per month. You’ll get access to all of Timely’s amazing automated messaging, like appointment confirmation and reminders, one-off SMS, no-show messages, booking changes, follow-ups and more, so you shouldn’t ever need to use more than your allocated amount! Trust us, your business will thank you for making the most of SMS messages.

Check out this blog for the awesome ways SMS will help your business. 

More gold on the Innovate package

Get help in minutes with Premium phone support: If you prefer talking to someone when you need help with Timely rather than sending an email, you can just jump on the phone to us.

Get great return on investment with targeted marketing: Tighten up your targeting with access to Google Tag Manager, which lets you find out where you’re getting the most value from your online ads. You can also get smarter with your data with our API integration with Zapier, which enables you to send your client data over to thousands of different apps. 

If we’ve convinced you to try Rebooking reminders and you’re already on the Innovate package, you can create your first rebooking message right now!

Not on the Innovate package and want to upgrade? Trial Innovate for free!