Here's how to survive the silly season in a salon.


Yesterday I met one of my good salon owner friends for coffee. It was 2pm, and she announced that she “just had to eat!” as she hadn’t eaten a thing that morning. “I’m living the salon madhouse life again”, she said. I remember those days well, and over our Xmas lunch (with a touch of Xmas wine) we discussed how to survive the silly season in a salon. I want to share some thoughts from that chat with you.

Look after yourself:

BE PREPARED – Arrive at 9am knowing you’re not going to be leaving those four walls until 8pm. If the day really does pan out that way (and it often can!) make sure you’re prepared. Have a water bottle, a muesli bar, nuts and raisins to snack on. Bring your lunch and something to eat around dinner time, and have some spare change for when the apprentice does the “food run” for a wee pick-me-up snack. Stick to healthy options – there’s plenty of time on Xmas day to put on the pounds, don’t start early.

WALK OUT – Get out of the salon as often as you can. I know, I know – I’ve just said this isn’t possible some days, but if you get the chance to then grab it. Even if only to window shop, a quick walk refreshes the mind and stretches the body. You’ll come back feeling better and more refreshed for your clients.

LOOK AFTER YOUR FEET – Wear smart shoes or bring two pairs. In a job where you’re on your feet all day there’s a fine line between pain and looking great! Change your shoes every few hours and make sure a flat pair is always handy. Have your sneakers in your bag for the trip home, too.

Look after your team:

CARETAKE: Providing some healthy snacks or Christmas treats for your team for an afternoon tea or leading into a late night will not only lift morale but feed those who have not prepared themselves. No one wants a ‘hangry hairdresser’.

Gather together before clients start to arrive. Have your day sheet printed out and have a quick review of the day. Talk about any spots where there are going to be pre-forseen issues, particular clients coming in, or team changes. Delegate morning jobs so you don’t run into issues later in the day – things like making foils, making sure there’s enough colour for Mrs Jones, and that everyone is going to get their much needed lunch break.

WINE: Lastly, watch the wine intake and get plenty of sleep – you’ll be thankful on Xmas day when you don’t have to duck away for a nanna-nap. There’s plenty of time for 5pm wine when the holidays start!

Inspired by her own journey to find freedom & profit in her award winning salon, Larissa founded the Salon Owners Collective. She now inspires other salon owners to do the same through coaching, courses & modern marketing strategies.