I remember each year, around this time, I'd be thinking to myself "This is the last year I'm going to be on the floor, working this hard!" If you find yourself thinking "never again!’’ then it’s time to stop and plan some self-care for you and your team. Maybe you'll even be able to enjoy the silly season that is Christmas in a salon.

Salons and Santa: A Christmas Sanity Guide

I want you to hit the new year feeling revitalised and ready to go, instead of frazzled and ready to drop! Having worked many Christmases in a salon (which usually included the anti-social Christmas day afternoon nap), I’ve learnt the hard way how vital it is to actually take time out for yourself, and to ensure your team do too. Here are a few ways you can keep your sanity this holiday season.

How to keep your sanity this holiday season

It seems like an unlikely suggestion, but follow these top tips. Come Christmas Day you’ll thank me for it!

1. Book some time out

Create some white-space. A counter-intuitive request during the run-up to Christmas, I know! But I’m not suggesting you take days off – it’s too late for that, anyway. Instead, cross out a half day to do something completely un-work related. By booking the time out now (yes, dare I suggest move a client or two. You’ll be in a better state to service your beloved clients if you’re sane) you up the chances that you’ll actually follow through.

When you’re rushed off your feet it’s amazing how the thought of an upcoming break can keep you going.

2. Don’t work ALL the hours

It’s tempting to work 12 hours days, doing this regularly is a recipe for burn-out and won’t do your sanity, or that of your team, any good in the long run. We used to move the roster around to ensure at least one morning sleep in and one 3pm finish each week.

Try to stick to 8 hour days where you can, and instead work an extra day in the week if need be. This way you’ll still be able to keep up with the increase in clients, whilst getting that all-important down-time and beauty sleep too!

3. Hire extra help

You know your salon is going to get overly busy. So why not plan an extra pair of hands to lighten the load for yourself and your team? Whether it’s support for the front desk, or bringing in a couple of shampoo hands to help wash hair and make tea, the added cost is should to be offset by the increase in sales.

Plus, you’re less likely to lose team members through illness, overwork and ‘I can’t face another day’ phone-calls.

4. Increase your stock

You know you’ll make those extra-bonus sales, so make sure you get order extra stock. You don’t want to run out mid-colour mix. Planning for this in advance will save a mad dash halfway through the month when your stocks start to run low and it’s too late to re-order from the supplier. Any leftovers will see you through January, so it will never go to waste.

5. Treat your team

As it gets busier in the salon, it’s important to remember your team will be feeling the pressure too.

A few well-timed treats to thank them for all their hard work will go a long way towards keeping spirits high.

Send the apprentice out to collect the team’s lunch, order pizza or a fruit and chocolate bowl. Bottles of water all around! (Save the wine till after 8pm.) It’s the best way to keep sanity and motivation high.

6. Look after your feet

With everyone and their mother deciding it’s time to get their hair and skin sorted for the holidays, you’re rushed off your feet from dawn until dusk. Remember to bring flat shoes, snacks and bottle of water. And perhaps schedule in a massage or pedicure during one of those afternoons you’ve booked out?

And if all else fails, you always have my favourite tip: drink wine!

Inspired by her own journey to find freedom & profit in her award winning salon, Larissa founded the Salon Owners Collective. She now inspires other salon owners to do the same through coaching, courses & modern marketing strategies.