We don't miss dev deadlines at Timely, but occasionally we are slow to announce some awesome news... and this is one of those occasions.

I could not be more stoked to welcome Will Berger to the Timely team. We met Will during our time working at Trade Me and were lucky enough to work with him on the rebuild of Travelbug. Will is a rare breed of developers who can build fantastic back end dev and software architecture – and also push pixels with the best of them, to craft a beautiful user interface and user experience.

Will has already been hard at work with our site at gettimely.com, which is looking awesome. We love how the site works well on any sized device including tablets and smart phones, which is also a feature of the Timely appointment system launching in July.

If you live in New Zealand, you will have more than likely seen Will’s work already as he was instrumental in the 2009 redesign of Trade Me.

In his previous lives Will has captained an Ice hockey team, been a drain on the Swedish government and at one point performed regularly on stage to wide indifference.

Welcome bro!