
When you’re spending the better part of your day working with a specific product or tool – like Timely – you can very easily take for granted all the handy tips and tricks that you’ve come to know so well.

So, we decided to put together a list of some commonly undiscovered bells and whistles in Timely that we think are pretty awesome. The Calendar is the heart of the Timely system so it makes sense that we start off there, so without further ado here are five handy hints to making the most of the calendar.

  1. Navigation

By now you’re probably aware that you can switch between Day, Week and Month views as well as popping back or forward between weeks in the calendar using the ‘<’ and ‘>’ buttons.

But did you know that you can Jump forward or Jump back in the calendar at any interval you want? If you’ve got a regular interval that your customers rebook for, select that option from the ‘<<’ or ‘>>’ drop downs and take a leap!

While we are here, have you ever clicked on the current date selection in the calendar navigation? If not, give it a whirl now and you’ll see that a date picker will pop up which allows you to navigate to any date in the calendar, wahoo!

  1. Customers

Want to quickly add some information to a customer, without having to head to the Customers tab? Just click on the edit icon in the appointment pop up to view and edit their customer information without having to leave the Calendar. From here you can see their Details, Addresses, More info, Notifications and Photo.

  1. Editing appointments

You can reschedule any appointment or class in the calendar by clicking on it and dragging it to a new date or time but did you know that you can also edit the length of an appointment by dragging too? Just hover over the bottom of the appointment until the ‘↓’ cursor appears and then drag up to shorten or down to lengthen.

If you work with appointments with more than one service you can also use the drag function to shift around the order of the services performed, create a gap between services or extend/reduce the length of one or all of the services without having to click Edit on the appointment.

  1. Updating staff availability

If you need to modify a staff member’s hours for a single day or quickly roster off an unavailable staff member you can edit the staff member’s working hours directly in the calendar, without having to head to the Roster. Just click on the Clock icon next to the staff member’s name and adjust their working hours for that day.

  1. Shortcut keys

These are a relatively new addition to Timely but if you haven’t had a chance to have a play around with these yet then what are you waiting for?!

Time is precious and if you don’t want to waste any of it moving your mouse around the screen and clicking on things then the Keyboard shortcuts are for you. Quickly navigate to the previous or next period, jump to today’s date in the calendar, switch between Day, Week and Month views or add a new appointment; all at the touch of a single keystroke.

Hit ‘Ctrl’ (‘Control’ on Mac) + ‘?’ to open the Keyboard shortcut menu.

Got a tip to working with Timely that you’d like to share, or is there an area in Timely that you’d like some more help with? Let us know and join the discussion below.