One of the things we're looking to improve in Timely is the rostering of staff.

In a nutshell we want to make it really easy to:

  • Block out days where staff are on vacation, annual leave, sick, etc
  • Extend or reduce staff working hours on specified days (e.g. if a staff member is working late)
  • If you have multiple locations make it easy to temporarily roster in staff from different locations
  • Ultimately, let you generate staff time sheets automatically based on their roster and appointments

With this in mind we’ve put together a mock-up showing how staff rosters might look in Timely (click the image below to see the full-size mock-up).

So what do you think? Will this work for you?

If you’ve got any thoughts or suggestions we’d love to hear them! Just add a comment below.

UPDATE (20 NOV): we’ve broken the back of the major development work for this functionality. We hope to have a first version of this up and running within a week.
