Back in February we announced three big things we wanted to work on in the first half of 2014. Now we're announcing our development roadmap for the next six months!

The half-year 2014 roadmap of awesome (updated)

Scroll down to the bottom for an update to this post


We are ambitious to make Timely as awesome as possible for you and our other users. Being ambitious is all well and good but you can’t do everything — even with our very talented and hardworking techbots.

This is why we need to prioritise certain feature requests over others and put them in a plan. A roadmap!

The features that make the cut are decided using a variety of rigorous and top-secret factors. And by top-secret we mean completely transparent. We look at things like how many votes a request has, the scope of the request, feasibility, fit with existing roadmaps and other helpful stuff.

Basically – we make sure we’re listening to you.

But before we jump into the new 2014 roadmap, let’s revisit what we’ve done so far in 2014:

And, multiple payment gateway integration (e.g., Stripe, etc.) and class invoicing (raising invoices for each customer booked into a class) are scheduled to go live in the next week or two.

Impressive eh! But hey, don’t take my word for it — check out the changelog for the full list.

Now the techbots are always busy and not just adding new enhancements like these. They do lots of other development work too such as fixing bugs, ongoing maintenance, enhancing existing features, improving efficiency and much more.

SO SO busy but that’s the way it should be — otherwise Timely wouldn’t be as awesome as it is. Right?!

Okay, I’ve delayed the roadmap announcement too long already so with great joy, here are our top 10 features for the rest of 2014:

  1. Report overhaul (ongoing project to complete existing reports, particularly staff performance and commission calculations) Done, read all about it here
  2. Stock control (simple stock management for products) Done, read all about it here
  3. Packages and session tracking (combined requests to offer session packages and tracking customer usage of packages) Done, read all about it here
  4. Resource booking (offer ability to book rooms, equipment, etc.) Done
  5. Gift vouchers (sell and redeem gift vouchers through Timely) Done
  6. Bulk SMS marketing (send text messages to groups of or all customers) Done
  7. Follow up emails/reviews (automated followup email for rebooking, review, etc.) Done
  8. Email templates (automated email templates similar to SMS templates)
  9. Discount codes (issuing and redeeming discounts for customers) Done
  10. Customer login accounts (customers login to make and manage bookings) Done

All of these sound amazing don’t they? They should, you asked for them!

The list above shows roughly the order in which the techbots will work on these features. And as usual — we’ll keep you updated on the roadmap’s progress using blog posts, FacebookTwitter, our user forum, the changelog as well as a digest in our newsletter. Also, keep an eye out for alerts (top-right) inside Timely too.

The whole Timely crew are just fizzing over this roadmap and we hope you are too. If you have opinion on this roadmap or any of the features mentioned, feel free to leave a comment on this post. Also, make sure to vote on those features you love by clicking the links above.

Roll on Christmas!

UPDATE (23/12/2014)

It’s just days away from Christmas and we thought it a good idea to post an update about this roadmap. As you can see from above, we didn’t get through everything we wanted to this year.

It’s a shame because we love adding new features and would add more if we could! Even now we add them so quickly, there’s a new version of Timely a couple of times a week.

Just check what’s changed in the changelog and the blog over the year!

New features are important, but we take our responsibility to provide a fast and reliable platform very seriously as well. To that end, we prioritised a bunch of  under the hood work to the Timely machine to ensure it keeps running smoothly as we grow (turns out Timely is becoming very popular!). While this performance work is necessary, it’s not obvious that it’s happening and it means we’re actually super busy even though the number of new features slow down.

Regardless, the most important point is that we’re committed to adding the features outlined on this roadmap. They’re just going to happen in early 2015 now.

Not all of them though as we’re currently testing features #3 (packages and session tracking) and #6 (Bulk SMS). Both these features involve a lot of complexity and are looking awesome!

Stay tuned for these features and the rest in 2015 (plus others that we sneak in too!).

Thanks for your support and have a wonderful Christmas everyone!