Here's a round-up of new features we've added to Timely over the last week. As you can see we've been really busy (one of the benefits of having four computer geeks on the team!)

Before we jump into the details, we wanted you to know that we’ve been working on a better way of communicating these new features to you. The main change will see us announcing new functionality and/or important notices within the Timely system itself – a notification will appear on the navigation bar and you’ll be able to see what’s new and then dismiss the notification. We’ll be introducing this in the next month or so.

In the meantime, here is what we’ve recently added to the system:

Improved mobile version

In case you didn’t know we have a mobile version of Timely that is available at We’ve just made a bunch of changes to the user interface so that it works better on a wider range of smartphones – including Windows Phone. Visit the Tour for more information on Timely’s mobile features.


Figure 1 – new navigation
Figure 2 – menu slides in from the left
Figure 3 – updated user interface to work on a wider range of devices

Revised date selector

The date selector on the calendar now shows two months instead of just one month


Google Analytics for online bookings

Google Analytics is a great tool to use on your website to see where your customers are coming from and what they are looking at on your website. And now that we’ve added support for Google Analytics to the online booking process, you can get greater insight into your customers web activity. It couldn’t be easier to setup either – just go to Promote > Google Analytics and follow the instructions from there.


Staff roster report

Go to the Reports menu and choose “Staff Roster” to print off a roster sheet for your staff. Filter by date range, staff, location and then stick it on the wall so everyone knows when they are working! If you haven’t used the roster function before you’ll find it under Settings > Roster. Its a great little tool to manage vacations, sick days, etc. Staff Rosters is just one of Timely’s many business management features.

staff roster

Print off a list of customers attending your classes

This handy report is great for checking off who attended a class, confirming contact details and adding your own notes. You can access this report by clicking a class on the calendar and choosing “Print list”


Other changes

  • We’ve made the non-working hours on the calendar darker so they stand out better
  • The customers section will now remember the last customer you viewed. Great if you’re switching between calendar and customer screens a lot

Coming up

  • Two-way SMS in Australia and the U.S.A.
  • MailChimp integration
  • Recurring classes / recurring class attendees
  • Notifications/announcements of new features inside the app