Finding a Digital Marketing Specialist in New Zealand right now is crazy difficult. The pace of an ever-moving digital space and the brain power needed to keep up, means that few people are up to the challenge.

Hey, it’s Mei!

Despite our difficult search, there was a light at the end of the long, dark tunnel…and that light is Mei Kirkpatrick.

We found Mei while she was travelling the world with her partner and managed to convince her that Timely, and in particular in the Marketing crew, were crazy enough to be a good fit for her and her career plans.

So we nabbed her before anyone else could! Now back in Auckland, Mei is dreaming of owning a dog so she can post pics in the Timely #Kennel Slack channel. She’s also avoiding her old sushi spots, after spoiling them for herself with the real thing over in Japan.

Mei is here to help us navigate the ever complex digital landscape. Her quick wit, intellectual horse-power and attention to detail make her the long awaited final piece to our marketing puzzle. Mei will be working across a number of platforms and channels including the Google Suite,  Apple App Store and Directory listings and will be leading our SEO efforts. It’s her job to make sure those people who need us, can find us online.

So, say hello to Mei with a tweet, or check out her Insta for some travel inspo. She’s definitely one of the good ones :)