Does social media take away the "human touch?" It would be completely ironic if it did since these great platforms were established to make human communication easier.

Grow your social media audience by being human

When you’re running a social media campaign, your voice should create a genuine conversation that your audience knows is attached to a real person. This is where many big corporations and organisations fail with their social strategy. They create a voice that is too corporate and robotic.

In order to evolve in the right direction, you need to offer your audience an authentic voice that lends itself to your organisation and your audience. Six Underground Media believes in an approach we like to call real-speak. This is where we incorporate appropriate and trending slang/pop culture references to remove the polish of an academic sounding social script. For example, we use acronyms like TGIF, OMG, BFF etc.

Quick tips:

Try to show yourself. Let people know what’s going on behind the scenes, whether in your company or personal life. Nobody is asking you to give up your privacy, rather show them that you are a person as well as a brand. Nothing creates emotional intelligence like human reality.

If you really want to form a bond with your audience, you need to talk to them directly. If you dedicate the time each day to put out content that’s real and speaks directly to your audience at that time, you’ll see a much greater engagement.

Find a healthy balance between your business goals and personalised relationships on social media. It’s not all about the financial aspect. Achieving a connection with your audience through personal interaction can do a lot for you.

Take your marketing hat off for a minute, and focus on socialising. The essence is that people love to feel respected, wanted, and listened to. It’s like speaking to a family member – let them know that their opinion matters, which in turn will give you the best possible engagement.

In a nutshell, move away from the over-scripted Facebook posts and loosen up your tone a little.

You’ll be surprised how much your engagement increases.