Olivia Arkin has always been obsessed with skin care. Many of her baby photos feature little Olivia holding lipstick and a mirror, and as a child in elementary school she used to make her own face masks. Meet our latest Customer of the Week: Perfekt Skin.

Customer of the Week: Perfekt Skin

For Olivia one of the best things about being her own boss is that she doesn’t have to answer to anyone else, and this has helped her offer clients an experience that differs from other spas. There is no menu at Perfekt Skin, all facials are $150 with no hidden add-ons, she only treats women, and each service is tailored to the individual client. The spa doesn’t have a clock ticking in the background, instead Olivia allows two and a half to three hours for each service and restricts the number of clients she’ll see in any one day. For Olivia this is about creating the ultimate relaxation experience while also delivering exceptional skin care results,

“I don’t do cookie-cutter facials, it’s more of an experience. I only treat one client at a time and they feel extremely special because all my attention is on them.”

The personal touch is at the heart of the businesses success, each client arrives to a personalised message on the notice board and Olivia makes herself available to clients at all times.

“I truly treat every single client like they are a friend or family. They can reach me anytime of the day as long as I’m not in a facial or sleeping. Basically, I’m easily accessible to them and they have never abused this privilege.”

As a solo operator who does everything in her business Olivia relies on Timely to help her keep organised and in touch with clients. Since switching to Timely she has ditched the pen and paper and now everything is managed through email and text, allowing her to stay in touch with clients around the clock.

With Perfekt Skin Olivia has created a welcoming sanctuary for clients in Smithtown, New York. She’s also created the perfect spa to continue to explore her lifelong obsession with the beauty industry.