Customer of the Week: Enso Float Room
Amber Mugridge wasn’t concerned about running a business. In fact, it took her a long time to feel comfortable calling herself a 'business woman'. Instead, her motivation was simple — Amber just wanted to help people!
If you had told me a few years ago that I’d be running my own business I wouldn’t have believed you!
Amber from Enso Float Room confesses that she never had any interest in starting her own business, yet when she found a way to truly help people, it came in the shape of entrepreneurship.
After an unexpected and serious medical event, Amber’s life was turned upside down. She was left with debilitating anxiety which made it difficult for her to even leave her house. Worst of all, Amber felt she couldn’t be fully present for her children and partner. This left her feeling guilty and depressed.
With the support of my Doctor and therapist, I could manage it with medication and therapy, yet that’s all it felt like I was doing – managing.
Amber was only just managing to get up in the morning, managing to go outside, managing to smile. The illness was so intrusive, but she knew there had to be a way to claim her life back.
During what she calls ‘a fateful’ Google search, Amber stumbled across a float centre which was a four-hour drive from her home. This was the first time she was ever introduced to the idea of floating and she became completely captivated by the idea. Just reading about the experience seemed to calm her so she knew she had to try it!
Amber recalls that her first float experience was nothing short of life changing.
Euphoric is the only word that can describe it. I had such a profound, moving experience that I knew I had to share it.
Amber’s first thought after leaving The Floatation Centre was that this simple therapy could help so many others. After studying psychology and working as a paramedic, Amber knew first-hand how many people could benefit from float therapy. She knew then and there that she had to take this method home.
The desire wasn’t to start a business, it was to change lives.
Floating helped Amber feel things she hadn’t in years: happiness, calmness and joy.
For Amber, the best part of running Enso Float Room is hearing people describe their experiences when they leave the tank. Customers leave feeling inspired and filled with hope because finally, something has helped them.
Aside from helping people, owning her own business has given Amber the opportunity to work again. Her work as a paramedic triggered her anxiety, so opening Enso Float Room has given her meaningful employment that is both inspiring and helps support her family!
As a mother of three girls (ages 2, 4 and 8), the flexibility of owning her own business is priceless. As you can imagine, she’s got plenty of business to attend to at home!
Enso Float Room is growing from strength to strength and Amber puts this down to care.
Because I genuinely care about the people, I’m helping. Every bit of me believes in this therapy and I think that enthusiasm is contagious.
Amber’s goal is to make every person feel heard, understood and cared for. Her “job” is to concentrate on what she is truly passionate about – connecting with people.
Float therapy can also help with physical problems. Floating promotes circulation by opening blood vessels, decreasing blood pressure and therefore the workload of the heart! The warm, buoyant water supports your body, allowing muscles to relax completely while decreasing tension by taking stress off aching joints.
Opening Enso Float Room was a huge leap of faith for Amber and her family, spending all of their savings to fund the entire project. However, Amber felt strongly that people deserved access to this service, and just hoped they’d believe in it as much as she did.
At this stage, Amber is a solo-operator and she is running the business from her house.
It’s taken Amber time to feel as though she deserves the title of “business owner” but the label is slowly starting to sink in!
I went from knowing nothing about business to teaching myself everything I know and establishing a brand in my community. It makes me pretty proud!
We can’t wait to follow your journey, Amber and watch this business continue to grow.