It should not be news to you that the world has fallen in love with mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets.

Google has published some very interesting findings of a study of consumer purchasing decisions on mobile devices and online, and that includes mobile bookings.

  • 41% of those who used their mobile phones to help with shopping said they made a purchase directly on their smartphone
  • 37% said they researched an item on their smartphone then made their purchase online.


Smartphones and mobile devices are a ubiquitous aspect of day to day life in 2012 – but importantly we know that customers want to be able to research, book and buy your services online via their mobile device.

Do you have a way for them to do this easily? Can they read about your services, find out your opening hours, view your prices, read reviews and book an appointment with you from their smartphone or tablet?

With Timely, you will be able to offer exactly what your customers want. Modern, world class, beautiful appointment software that your savvy customers will love to use. Register your interest to join our early adopter programme and see for yourself.