Being a business owner can sometimes mean that we lose sight of the forest for the trees. It's important to check in with ourselves regularly and take stock of the bigger picture. Gratitude and mindfulness as part of our self-care regime is one way in which we can create this space.

The 7 habits of truly grateful business people

Moving your thoughts to a place of gratitude each and every day is a powerful and meaningful way to improve both your overall well-being and your business. Often we push ourselves so hard, trying to cram in every last ounce of stuff into our busy work day that we forget to stop, breathe and be mindful and in the moment.

Gratitude is the active process we practice of reminding ourselves of the good stuff, the beauty, the joy that surrounds us every single day. Adopting a sense of gratitude not only makes us feel good in the moment, it also enables us to better weather the stress and turmoil that lies within all of our lives.


1. Truly grateful business people take nothing for granted

Boom! And herein lies the essence of all we do. Truly grateful business people take nothing for granted. Ever.

They accept and acknowledge where they have come from, who has helped them get to where they are now, what sacrifices their family or friends have made for them to be where they are and the doors that have been opened to them.

They appreciate the high school that their parents sent them to, the decisions that they were helped to make early in their careers and the economic environment within which they operate.

They are holistic in their appreciation of all the moving parts that form the bigger picture of their success, the squiggly line.

Truly grateful business people have a deep and powerful insight into the mechanics of the squiggly line. Tweet this

They know that it is more than mere chance that got them here and they take nothing for granted when it comes to the complexities that transpired into them being where they are today. Hard work and a laser focus on the nuances of life has given them a head start in the business world.


2. They do not expect that life will simply give them what they deserve

It is easy to get stuck in the mindset that revolves around the belief that if you work hard and put your all into something that all your dreams will come true, that your business will flourish and you will get what you deserve. Sadly, if it were that easy we’d all be travelling first class, sipping champagne for breakfast and holidaying in the South of France.

Truly grateful business people know that it takes more than a wish and a prayer to succeed.

Markets crash, suppliers don’t deliver and staff quit. It is the people who move forward despite their setbacks, that weather the storms and come out the other side stronger who truly succeed.

The more you express gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have even more to express gratitude for. – Zig Ziglar

Timely - performance benefits of gratitude and self-care

3. They do not wrap rules and restrictions around when they will be successful – they enjoy the journey

Truly grateful business people allow themselves mini milestones, they do not assign themselves to the task of reaching their end goal only. They set themselves up with an attitude of gratitude from day one and celebrate each day’s achievements as they arise.

When you are grateful, fear disappears and abundance appears. – Anthony Robbins

Setting yourself unrealistic or far-fetched goals and not allowing yourself to be truly present with yourself and your business takes you away from the here and now. You’ll not only miss the important lessons along the way but you’ll also miss out on the hi-fives and back pats that will sustain and re-energize you along the journey. Remember why you went into business and start to focus on enjoying the journey.

Remember why you went into business and start to focus on enjoying the journey.


4. They are flexible with their thought processes

Truly grateful business people enjoy a fluidity and flow to their thought processes. They know that holding fast to outdated, ill-conceived or negative thought patterns does not serve them to experience both growth or creativity.

Allowing yourself to choose your own perceptions based on gratitude and to challenge the status-quo when it draws you to a place of negativity means you are better equipped to ride any periods of uncertainty. Choosing your thoughts and not being confined by dogma creates space and freedom to move forward.

Choosing your thoughts and not being confined by dogma creates space and freedom to move forward.


5. They don’t shy away from the hard stuff

Every single one of us experiences failure and setbacks as part of our journey in life and in business. Truly grateful business owners not only appreciate the positive but also embrace the negative and know that every single twist and turn has lead them to where they are now.

It’s easy to look back on the hurdles we have had to face with a negative perception but often it’s these roadblocks that have made us stop, reassess and refocus, or have given us the impetus to double down and drive through a rough patch.

Timely - mental benefits of gratitude and self-care


6. They take the time to smell the roses along the way

Do you remember the last time you savored the smell of bread baking in your own oven? Or the feel of a fluffy blanket wrapped around your shoulders to guard against the grasp of a Winter’s night?

Simple daily rituals also become seemingly meaningless to us over time. For instance, the way in which we might puff our pillows each morning when we make our bed, or how we start our day by brewing a pot of steaming hot, aromatic coffee or tea.

However, it is these rituals that enable us to create a sense of mindfulness and flow to our day.

Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things. – Robert Brault

Making time each day to truly experience all that we take for granted enables us to be mindful and present. It brings focus and clarity to our lives and lets us pause, take a breath and re-focus with renewed intent.

Timely - physical benefits of gratitude and self-care

7. They take time to appreciate people

Gratitude and appreciation go hand in hand. I look upon gratitude as the noun, what we call being “appreciative” and appreciation as the verb, how we actually show this gratefulness.

Right now you might be saying “meh, potato, potato”…. But understanding the difference is key to becoming more successful in your business.

It is one thing to be grateful for the amazing team that surrounds you and your company or small business, but it’s another thing entirely to appreciate them.

Truly grateful business people take the time to appreciate other people. Tweet this

Appreciation is right up there in the hierarchy of emotions – above optimism, enthusiasm and even passion and comes in at a close second motivational need on Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, second only to self-actualization. Appreciation motivates others to help you more and gives people a sense of well-being and pride.

Gratitude as a small business owner goes even further than appreciation of your team. Extending gratitude out to your ecosystem, mentors, suppliers and especially your customers means not only increased profits but also improved emotional well-being and satisfaction.

How would your day look if you added a little #gratitude?

Truly grateful business owners practice these 7 habits daily and not only see a measurable increase in well-being but also a shift in their business success.

By practicing a little gratitude each day, you can markedly improve both your well-being and your bottom line. Try adopting a new gratitude habit each week for the next 7 weeks and see what happens to your life and your business.

Better yet download our self-care 30-day challenge to help you on your way to self-care nirvana.

Timely 30-day self-care challenge